River Nyxx

A development blog for FFVI3D, the fan-made Final Fantasy VI remake in 3D.


Unfortunate setbacks~ >_<;

So I've been spending a large portion of my absense from the blog, working on various editors associated with FFVI3D, (I can't go into detail yet until they're more fleshed out- but they're intended as development tools that wouldn't see the light of day even on a professional game) as well as some side-projects of mine that I'm also intending to add into my cyberportfolio.

This weekend my house experienced a power surge, and it would appear as if my surge protector didn't very well succeed in doing it's job, as I am now finding myself with a couple of video cards that no longer perform all of their required duties properly. At least, that's how it's looking for now. Needless to say, it's quite difficult, nigh impossible to partake in certain hobbies of mine, and as such, it appears that FFVI3D's programming will have to sit at the wayside until such a time that I can get my computer properly repaired. I fear that such a time may be farther away than I would really like >_<;

ラベル: ,

2 件のコメント:

Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

I noticed that the site is down. Is this project still in the works?

平成22年5月27日 0:30  
Blogger Nyxojaele さんは書きました...

Well, technically, yes. But I honestly wouldn't get my hopes up too much now. The project has fallen so far onto the backburner that I no longer feel justified in maintaining the website for it.

While it hasn't been completely abandoned, I also can't see much, if any, work being done on it in the foreseeable future. My original IP project has taken major precedence.

平成22年5月27日 15:41  


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